Find information on the history of the parachute and how a parachute works.
The first sketches of parachutes date all the way back to 1495 when the great mind of Da Vinci drew them among his many other ahead of their time designs. Similar to Da Vinci’s design, a man by the name Fauste Veranzio created a similar contraption that he used to jump from the Tower of Venice. The design of a parachute works simply to slow the downward movement of whatever it is supporting as it falls. It creates drag against the wind and slows down the fall rate and is made of a light weight material that is meant to expand and trap as much air as possible.
Create a parachute routine composed of various parachute activities learned in class.
Getting the students comfortable holding and maneuvering the parachute is ideal, so to start we will start with the crazy whirlpool effect. Each student will shake their arms up and down as quickly as possible to create wild ripples across the parachute. Next we will create an air dome. The teacher will count to three and on three the students will raise their arms up quickly and then drop down all the way to the floor and sticking their heads underneath as the parachute creates a large dome effect overhead. They will do this again but this time they will jump underneath sitting their bottom on the edge. The next activity will be popcorn, where students will toss a few foam balls into the center moving as rapidly as possible to dislodge the balls from the center.
Practice a yoga routine for a week, and keep a journal of how you feel.
Doing yoga is a great way to relax and get a great exercise routine in. I have been doing yoga at my work for some time now, and I feel better doing this than spending extra hours in the gym. If you practice yoga regularly many people will claim a much more relaxed and overall smoother daily life, and from my experiences this is very true. You can build strength, flexibility while relaxing at the same time.
Use pictures to diagram each pose in the salute to the sun yoga routine.

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