Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why a Philosophy?

What is the purpose of a philosophy? Is it something we learn? Are we born with our own, or does it manifest itself within our teaching? All of these are important questions that as educators we need to be thinking about. Not only in Physical Education, but all subjects. As leaders of students, we must have something that creates a basis of why we do what we do. Having a philosophy doesn't necessarily mean that you have a twenty page dissertation to describe what your beliefs about teaching are. It could be summed up in one sentence if you prefer. That is the great thing about your beliefs, because they are yours! You don't necessarily learn your philosophy, but instead it is something that grows and changes with the more knowledge and experience you gain. 

My philosophy is likely to be different from yours, my professors, or your peers in some way, but that isn't what is important. What is important is how you demonstrate and stand behind your philosophy. Because if you believe that students need to learn more about lifetime activities, and yet you teach nothing but the traditional six, you are being a hypocrite and not being true to yourself. I am a firm believer in taking a stand and fighting for what you believe in, regardless of who is with you or against you as long as your reasons are justifiable and true in intention. This doesn’t mean that everyone’s philosophy is necessarily right either. However, it doesn’t matter who’s is right or wrong, what matters is whether or not the impact on student learning is both positive and enjoyable. While I know that my philosophy is likely different than my future co-workers, I know that I will stay true to my beliefs and not be pressured into changing my ideals.

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