Thursday, February 9, 2012

Field Experience Day 2 Kindergarten 2/9/12

Curriculum and NYS standards
Image from
Today was my second day back with the kindergarteners and it was even better than the first. I took a more active role in the class today doing demonstrations, and working on skills with individual groups of students that were struggling. It was fantastic to hear how excited they were to be working with me and knowing my name from last week. Today’s lesson continued on with their tennis unit, and I really noticed that the teacher was doing a great job of seamlessly integrating the standards into the lesson. There were obviously psychomotor skills that were tested, seeing as this is the first interaction with long handled implements. The teacher even tested the students to attempt 10 consecutive hits back and forth with the balloons, and for some this was a challenge and others it was a bit easier.

They were also tested in the affective domain, because they were tasked with working with a partner to hit it back and forth and they must communicate with one another. They also were responsible for cleaning up the equipment at the end of the lesson. The cognitive domain was worked on as we walked around quizzing the students about the different racket piece names, and where they could go to practice their new tennis skills. Overall I felt that the lesson was smooth with minimal antics and a lot of time spent being active. I really am excited to go back each time, so this reaffirms that I want to be a teacher!

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