Monday, September 19, 2011


1. Goal oriented teaching is something that physical education teachers have lost over the years, and I say this, because the mundane actions of rolling the balls out has become the status quo. As physical educators we need to take charge and challenge our students to push themselves towards completing goals that may seem out of reach. It is through solid task oriented learning and teaching towards the attainment of goals is how our students can reach further and achieve more. Students need to understand that our goals in physical education are not just to play a sport and move on, but instead to set a goal and use progressions to attain new skills and reach that goal.

5. The movement-task student response unit of analysis is important because the students will learn how to do a certain task/skill and allows them to analyze their movements and reflect back on them. When we analyze a student’s movements we can praise their achievements and give positive feedback and then use this as an avenue to insert constructive criticisms. These critiques are not meant to break down the student’s esteem, but instead allow them to get specific feedback to further their progression of the skill/task. When the teacher has a starting point they are able to guide students and have them work through the progressions. They are not only learning the skills, but they are becoming more proficient through activity and practice. When we give a proper demonstration the visual learners get an understanding of what is expected and then we are able to analyze their movements making corrections as needed.

7. The relationship between teaching functions and teaching skills is that teaching functions are the guidelines a teacher uses to teach skills to their students. One way to plan and present is through intra-task variation, where the teacher takes prior assessments of the students and uses this data to determine what skill level the students should start with. Another way to plan and present is through teaching by invitation. By giving the students the opportunity to chose their own equipment and level, they feel a release of pressure and are able to work the skills with more freedom to try something they may not be comfortable with under other circumstances.

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